Friday, March 20, 2009

For those of you who weren't at the previous installment of Book Chowder: Klosterman Style, I got the pick for the April book.

There was a little confusion, re: a comment/back-handed threat I made about imposing Infinite Jest upon you all. That is not the case. If we ever did that, we'd probably want a two or three month period to do so.

So the book for April is (drum roll, camera shot of nervous contestants who will all invariably pretend they are happy with the winner, even though in their minds they think, 'I should have been picked!') Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy. I've heard it's a bit on the violent and unsettling side of things, but if you've ever read McCarthy, that shouldn't be a surprise.


Friday, March 13, 2009

there's a book in my soup!

i hate to let you guys look at my playbook this early in the game (sports metaphor?!?!?), but i brought this up with jamie and jeremi last time, so i figured i ought to bring it up again.

this book has a pretty intense table of contents. there is a soup for every occasion, and then for each occasion, a soup from all over the world. Example: soups for events of childbirth from France, Lebanon, Mexico; soups for Lenten worship from Italy, Czech Republic; soups for a hangover, soups for mourning, soups for the season changes, soups for honeymoons. 

the start of each life-phase/ritual chapter discusses the meaning and symbolism behind the ritual or phase, and then goes into the recipes, and (usually) has a story of how each soup came about in each individual country. 

it is a beautiful book, and i am really glad i stole it from my mother. i look most forward to the hangover recipes. 

-- iris ann

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March Madness

Thank You Jeremi and Glade for hosting a wonderful Book Chowder. The in-depth R.Kelly discussion was incredibly enlightening. Everyone best be getting copies of Lush Life (10 should be in at King's English) and I'd suggest tackling Infinite Jest sooner than later. An epic beast. Kind of like these cats:

-- Jamie!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

march 11th. downtown owl.

soup at my house tonight kiddies!
314 E Sherman Ave (1330 S).
8pm? if that's not too late...i must finish a paper before you all come over...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Next Book!

Lush Life, By Richard Price. A novel by "one of the masters of American urban crime fiction." Price also wrote Clockers.

- Jamie

Thursday, January 22, 2009

february book.

downtown owl: a novel
by chuck klosterman


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

january book

mia picked a new book:

fast eddie: king of the bees

by robert arellano